Should You Be a “Submissive” Wife? | Couples Therapy in Hermosa Beach
If you are in need of Couples Therapy in Hermosa Beach are, you may find that this article resonates with you. Have you seen the new show on TLC "How To Be A Submissive Wife"? The title of the show...
When Is It Time to go to Marriage Counseling? | Marriage Counseling Manhattan Beach Hermosa Beach
Marriage Counseling Manhattan Beach Hermosa Beach Deciding if you need marriage counseling can a big decision. Many people wait to go to couple's counseling once they are on the verge of divorce....
Anxiety is a terrible feeling to have on a regular basis. Your shoulders tighten up, you heart may race, you might get sweaty and you feel fear all over. Although some anxiety is normal in...
How Do I Know When to End My Relationship? | Couples Therapy Manhattan Beach
Often times, I work with individuals trying to figure out if they should stay or leave the relationship they are in. As a relationship therapist, I cannot tell someone to stay or leave. It can be...
How To Fall In Love With Your Spouse Again | Manhattan Beach Couples Therapy
One of the most common remarks I hear from couples in marital counseling is, "I love him/her, I am just don't think I am in love any more ". People some times think that these feelings are a reason...
Why Date Night is so Important For Your Marriage
Written by Cathy Chambliss, LMFT One of the most common mistakes I see in couples coming in for counseling together is that they have stopped spending time alone together. Yes, this can be a huge...
When Should I Consider Getting A Divorce?
Getting a divorce is a huge decision, especially if you have children at home. Many couples start counseling because they don't want to get a divorce and are looking for solutions to make their...
How can therapy help me in my relationships? | Couples Therapy Hermosa Beach
Often times someone enters therapy because they are frustrated with the relationship they are in. They feel stuck and are not sure if they should stay or leave their partner. Couples therapy is a...
Dealing With Infidelity | Couples Therapy – Cathy Chambliss MFT
Couples Therapy | What to Do When You Find Out Your Partner has Been Cheating... One of the worst experiences that one can find out about their partner is that they have been cheating on them . The...
How to Boost the Romance in Your Marriage
How to Boost the Romance in Your Marriage An Interview with Therapist Cathy Chambliss LMFT Click to read the interview
Cathy Interviewed on Bradley Quick’s The Radio Show
Cathy Chambliss MFCC discusses how the roles played in a substance abusive family so that you can become more aware of your behavior and how to change it. Listen to the discussio
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Marriage and Family Therapy
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(310) 303-9132 (Call or Text)
Suite 103
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254